Warehouse 4.0 is compatible with Prestashop
Before your start to work with template you shuld have at least basic knowledge how Prestashop works. Please check Prestashop official documentation.
To change page layout go to to Design > Themes
and then you can set diffrent layout per each controller.
You can translate theme and modules by following Prestashop translation guide.
Warehouse theme use default Prestashop translaitons strings and few custom ones. So most of parts are compatible with prestashop default translation. So you can import it to your store
Image sizes you can set in Backoffice > Design > Images settings.
By default image sizes have such settings
All of this image size must be keept in your store.
For best results:
You may need to modify your image sizes to match your needs and theme style you use. Image sizese depends on
Each modification of size require thumbails regeneration(Backoffice > Design > Images).
If you need transparent images (also shop logo)
From Prestashop 1.7 it is possible to create child themes. It is helpfull when you need to make small adjustments in .tpl files of template, while you will still will be able to make theme updates easily. More info avaiable on ps docs. and in Prestashop dev blog
Download child theme sample template
If you not using sample from documentation then make sure fontawsome icons are copied into child theme assets folder
themes\<your child theme name>\assets\css\font-awesome (you can copy from themes\warehouse\assets\css\font-awesome)
Theme.yml for Warehouse child theme should look like this(folder name should be same as name you put in theme.yml – example: warehousechild)
parent: warehouse name: warehousechild display_name: Warehouse child theme version: 1.0 author: name: "IQIT" assets: use_parent_assets: true
You can download Warehouse sample template
Theme.yml for Warehouse child theme should look like this(folder name should be same as name you put in theme.yml – example: warehousechild)
parent: warehouse name: warehousechild display_name: Warehouse child theme version: 1.0 author: name: "IQIT" assets: use_parent_assets: true css: all: - id: font-awesome path: assets/css/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css media: all priority: 200
Theme is based on Bootstrap 4 (documentation) and it is build with Webpack (which is used by Prestashop by default). If you need to make modifications of JS or CSS which are not possible to be made with custom CSS (you can apply it in theme editor module or in themes\warehouse\assets\js\custom.js and themes\warehouse\assets\css\custom.css) then you need to prepare your developmant enviroment and learn how to use Webpack
You should also get some knowledge about Prestashop theme structure from documentation
Go to backoffice > Advanced parametrs > Performance
NOTE: Cache should be enabled in live site, if you still in developmant process it is better to work without cache.
If you configured additional caching system on your server you can also enable
For more information check this great article: https://canonicalized.com/prestashop-speed-optimization/
If you use third part modules it maybe needed to adjust their design to match Warehouse block structure.
<div class="block block-toggle js-block-toggle"> <h5 class="block-title"><span>//title of your module</span></h5> <div class="block-content"> //content of your module </div> </div>
<div class="col col-md block block-toggle js-block-toggle"> <h5 class="block-title"><span>//title of your module</span></h5> <div class="block-content"> //content of your module </div> </div>
Tip: if your block is a link list add “block-links” class to it.
Always to backup before you upgrade!!! But since on some server config making backup from 1-click autoupgrade tool may cause error during upgrades, I recomand to perform Database and files backup manually by your hosting panel and then switch off backup during 1-click upgrade.
Disable non-native modules and switch to default theme options must be disabled!
Recommanded settings of Prestashop 1-click autoupgrade tool
Since Prestashop 1.6 to 1.7 is major software upgrade and Prestashop removed backward compabilty for theme and modules there is no standard upgrade procedure.
Once you perform upgrade of your store to PS 1.7 you need to uninstall all iqit-commerce modules, and remove them from your server. You also need to uninstall and remove old Warehouse theme.
Then check your 3-part modules, many of them will not work in your updated Prestasshop 1.7 store.
Once you will get workin updated Prestahop 1.7 store with deafult(classic) Prestashop template you need to install Warehouse template by following default procedure
General information how to use modules in prestashop can be found on prestashop official documentation.
Theme also use some of Prestashop native modules, for example ps_facatedsearch. More info about this modules can be found on Prestashop documentation page.
With this module you can add additional content to product which will be showed in tabs on product page.
Inside module configuration page you can crate global tabs, which will be visible for all products.
or inside product edit page you can create unique tabs per product
It add integration to social sharing tool http://www.addthis.com/ which allow to share product pages in social media. I have also possibility to check statistics of social activity. By default module use our addthis-id, if you want to use own addthis account you need to create accunt on addthis.com website and create own “Share buttons” > “inline” tool
Add possibility of comparing products to customers
Adds additional content and map on contact page of prestashop. Please note: that contact form is part of prestshop itself, it is not part of this module.
Show countdown to end of special price on product-list and product pages. To configure countdown you need to add special price for product with definied end date.
It is replacment module for Prestashop core module “ps_crosseling”. It shows customers whou bought this product also bough on product page, add to cart confirmation modal and on cart page.
Crosselings products are generated automaticly base on multiple products orders with delivered status
It is hooked undef following hooks:
If you want to remove module from one of following hooks go to Design > positions > find module name and unhook iqitcrosselings
It is Live Drag&Drop page builder, based on great WordPress plugin Elementor by Pojo.me company.
Creating homepage
Go to
Cms pages & products
You can also create product description or cms pages content with elementor page builder.
How to use elementor
You need to create content in elementor builder for each language you use in your shop. Language which you currently edit is higlighted at top.
Once you create your page, you can switch to another language and to speedup the process you can import content from previously created by click on 1.
Template manager
In library you can save your layouts, so you can use them later in other pages. You can also export/import templates to .json files.
Adds frontcontroller for Prestashop core module ps_emailsubscription. Thanks to that confirmation about subscription is showed on separate page.
Adds YouTube/Vimeo/Dailymotion videos or 360 degree images to your products.
Adds blocks with links in variouse hook in your page.
Create your own custom popup windows with optional newsletter subscription.
Add feature of adding product reviews. Inside module configuration you can choose to autopublish comments or allow guest comments.
You can also approve or remove comments
It allows you to create table size charts for your products.
In module configuration you can create size guide which can contains text, images, tables etc. You can assign size guide to categories, so all products assigned to selectec categories will show this size guide on product page, but it is not neccessary, since you can also assign size chart only for particural product, in backoffice during product edit in modules option
then it will show size chart button on product page, which will open modal widown with defined guide
It is a module which allow you to customize design of your shop.
You can edit using backoffice editor or Live editor. Both editors contains same features. To Import/Export style, please use backoffice editor.
Note: During using Theme editor you should disable cache in your shop(Prestashop build in and 3-part cache module if you use it), otherwise some changes maybe not visible in your shop directly.
Options are categorized into sections
Tip: you can change viewport size by clicking on devices icons, so you can preview your page on tablets on phones.
Tip: If you editing particural page, change preview page using selectbox or simply go to that page by clicking on it in preview(ex. if you want to edit product page and you want to see live changes, click on any product in your page preview)
Allows customer to create wishlist with products. In module config you can enable/disable showing crosseling products (customer who bought this product also bought) to products selected by customer. It is possible to also hook module to hooks like
displayHeaderButtons and displayHeaderButtonsMobile so they will show next to cart and sign in buttons in header
Blog module for your shop.
There is separate documentation available:
Revolution Slider is included in template thanks to extended license. With this license it is not possible to activate revolution slider module by Prestashop backoffice, but module without activation is FULLY FUNCTIONAL! Module for creating slideshow in your shop. There is separate documentation available inside theme files package, in revolution slider Folder.
Basically after importing slider, you need to assign it to hook displayHome. If after that slideshow is not showed, make sure that module itself is transplated to this hooks (in design > positions)
Full documentation aviable under https://iqit-commerce.com/rev-17-doc/
Revolution Slider is included in template thanks to extended license. With this license it is not possible to activate revolution slider module by Prestashop backoffice, but module without activation is FULLY FUNCTIONAL!
Faq and support platform can be found here:
There are also nice articles and videos avaiable in Spanish language.
También hay buenos artículos y videos disponibles en español. Para comprobarlos visite el sitio: http://www.tiendaonlinemurcia.es/categoria-plantilla-warehouse/
¿Estás usando nuestra plantilla en tu tienda con PrestaShop y necesitas más información de ésta? Visita este tutorial de Warehouse en español para ampliar tus conocimientos sobre nuestro theme y poder personalizar la plantilla a tu gusto.